ManageMe | Your Back-Office Experts

Outsourcing for Property Management

Tatjana Day, Director of ManageMe discusses how ManageMe helps Property Managers in their business.

For many, the idea of using a “virtual assistant” or “outsourcing” some of your business tasks can be daunting.

And while it’s true that ManageMe has services designed for property managers, we’re not here to replace anyone.In fact, we’re here to make the lives of property managers easier and more efficient.

We’ve seen the struggles firsthand—we know what it’s like to work at a desk all day, trying to juggle everything from tenants to contractors and suppliers. Property Managers need to get more done each day, but they can’t do it all alone.

With all these different responsibilities, it’s no wonder that most property managers feel overwhelmed by their workload—especially when they’re on top of everything else in their lives!

As such, it can be hard to balance the demands of your clients with the needs of your business. That’s why ManageMe is here: so you can focus on growing your business while we take care of the day-to-day tasks that are keeping you from doing what matters most—scaling your business.

But you might still be wondering…

How can they possibly help remotely? Will you be responsible for their errors? Could this be a waste of time? Or could they possibly replace you?

With ManageMe you can be confident that:

You’re irreplaceable!

Your value is with people! With the customer. You’ll never be able to outsource the relationships, rapport, and trust you build as you connect with your prospects and clients—and they take time to develop. You can’t outsource those relationships or the rapport that goes along with them.

But ManageMe can help you manage all the other things that distract you from the important stuff: data entry, repetitive administrative tasks, time-consuming manual workflows…

We’ll take care of all of it for you so that when you connect with your clients, you’re ready to focus on what matters most: them!

Imagine having a sidekick that’s diligent and does things exactly how you like it? Our staff knows how to use your trust accounting software and understands the overall principles and procedures of property management. All you need to do is tell us how you want it done and when – and we’ll make sure it’s completed like clockwork, with our local management team overseeing everything from start to finish.

Our goal is not only to assist you with your property management needs but rather to help our clients succeed at what they do best – managing properties! We aspire to be part of your success story!

We’re reliable!

At ManageMe, we know that reliability is key. We’re a business that’s based on trust, and we take that very seriously. That’s why all of our staff are trained to use Palace, PropertyTree, PropertyMe, and Console—and they’re Xero Advisor Certified.

You can easily plug-and-play one of our experts for just 10 hours a week, to help you with everyday tasks like receipting, arrears, maintenance, drafting renewals, and organising your inspections. This gives you more time on the road for viewings, meetings and inspections.

We can take on the day-to-day stuff, so you don’t have to worry about it!

It’s not hard.

ManageMe has simplified virtual support, by creating its own teams of skilled professionals that you can tap into from only 10 hours a week. We know that you’re busy, so we’ve made it easy to get help in the areas you need it most.

We handle all of the administrative tasks that bog down your day-to-day operations, so you can focus on what matters most: growing your business!

Last words…

When you outsource your property management, you’re not just getting a person for the job, you’re getting a team. Time is the most precious resource we have.

The ability to spend time on what matters most is what separates the best from the rest. Be it family, friends and socializing, or investing in your business, you can use free time effectively to achieve more.

Let ManageMe help you be efficient and freed up to focus your efforts on achieving your goals.

If you feel that your business is ready to hire and you are considering outsourcing as an option get in touch.