ManageMe | Your Back-Office Experts

Why Outsourcing?

Mike Foster, Director of ManageMe looks at some of the key considerations for any business looking to outsource.

In this article we look at why Outsourcing some of your core tasks may offer a solution to your Back Office Administration headaches.

As employers you will be well aware of the growing pressures in the current labour market. Hiring quality staff and retaining them is becoming more difficult. Companies often struggle to find ways to grow their business whilst retaining the service levels that their current clients expect. When growth is achieved it can happen quickly so the flexibility to scale in a way that is manageable and does not overburden the business with unnecessary cost is invaluable. This article will discuss why outsourcing is a real option for your growing business. 

What is outsourcing?

Outsourcing in simple terms means delegating your work to someone outside your organisation. There are countless tasks you can outsource such as administration, marketing, bookkeeping,  and customer service tasks.

What is outsourcing?

Businesses look to outsource for a multitude of reasons. These include reducing pressure on current staff and refocusing them on to more customer centric tasks, providing consistency in service, reducing overheads and increasing the flexibility and speed at which they can grow.

We list some of the reasons why you should outsource;

  • Eliminate Repetitive Tasks 

Repetitive tasks that require a large amount of time are often paint points for staff and can often be well suited to outsourcing.

Imagine how many more high value tasks your staff could accomplish if they weren’t swamped with these types of tasks. Imagine if they spent less time in front of the computer and more time meeting prospective clients or on higher value work. Reducing your staff’s workload will give them more time to focus on what really makes a difference for your business. 

  • Flexible, Scalable and Cost-Effective 

Hiring a full-time employee brings with it a host of responsibilities and obligations. These start with onboarding and training but also require an investment in office equipment and overheads that can be significant. See our article on the real cost of employing staff here.

Outsourcing using a Managed Service allows you to only use what you need by just paying for the time it takes to complete your specified tasks. The cost of training, equipment and HR/IT support is borne by the provider. As your business grows it is easier to scale your staffing requirements with the tasks defined and process in place. 

  • Reduced Attrition 

90 percent of new employees evaluate whether to stay with an organisation in their first 6 months. With a Managed Service the staff are employees of the company and staff culture and retention is their responsibility. This is an important distinction to the traditional outsourcing model where your time will be required to manage the staff member in the same way it would be for an employee onshore. 

Should a staff member leave another member of the team would already be trained as cover in your tasks ensuring a seamless transition for your business.

How is outsourcing?

ManageMe can help you identify and take over the day-to-day tasks you can outsource, so you can focus more on the core aspect of your business.

Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can help you grow your business!